We are proud to partner with what3words to offer a better way to share your location. You can now share 3-word addresses from the live map and from your records with Mariner GPS Dashboard and Velocity GPS Dashboard apps.

what3words is an online service that lets you describe your exact location with just three words by mapping a unique 3-word address to every 3 x 3 meter square on the earth’s surface. This makes a convenient and uncomplicated way to tell someone precisely where you are over the phone or a messenger app, regardless of whether you’re in town or far out in the wilderness.
A what3words address is more precise than a street address, and many people find three words easier to remember and say than GPS coordinates, grid references or latitude and longitude.
The what3words service is now being utilised and endorsed by many emergency service organisations, enabling them to respond to the correct location more efficiently than ever before.

GPS Dashboards Mariner and Velocity have been equipped with what3words as of the RAMS MK3 update. You can share your 3-word address from the live map, and archive them in your saved locations and Marine logbook entries.
Anyone can use the free what3words app or online map at what3words.com to find, search or share what3words addresses. You can find, search or share a what3words address in over 40 languages to date.
Learn more about the 2020 updates to the RAMS Dashboard Series: