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Are the apps suitable for navigation?

The apps are primarily designed to record journeys. Mariner includes a set of features that can assist you while navigating and make estimations on the go. 🔗 Learn more about Velocity GPS Dashboard. 🔗 Learn more about Mariner GPS Dashboard.

Are file formats compatible with other GPX apps and devices?

Yes, you can export each individual journeys to the .GPX format for viewing in other apps. .RAMS3X files are RAMS-specific backup files only compatible with RAMS Dashboard apps Velocity and Mariner. 🔗 Learn more about file formats.

How do I use the GPS signal from my phone on my watch?

Be sure to have the same app installed on both your handheld device and smart watch. Start the speedometer on your phone to begin recording your journey, then start the smartwatch app and tap the phone icon to set the source. 

How accurate is my GPS signal?

GPS performance is dependent on your device, surroundings, and weather conditions. Accuracy to 3 metes is as high as most smartphones can achieve. Rain, cloudy weather, and tall buildings nearby may affect GPS accuracy. 🔗 Learn more about the GPS indicator.
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