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How can I hide old devices from the list?

You can choose with devices to show in the list in Versions 4.2 of the apps and up. Long-press on any device and tap the eye (visibility) icon. You can also manage all devices at once by tapping ‘Show/hide devices’ in the general settings menu.

Why am I not receiving notifications?

If your device is running Android 13, make sure you’ve granted notification permissions for the Energy Monitor app. The app is optimised for the new Android 13 rules as of version 4.5.34 (December 2022), and will request the necessary permissions when you open the app for the first time. If the app detects that permissions […]

Will the apps work on my Samsung Gear Watch?

All versions of the apps are compatible with the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 (2021+). ⚠️ Samsung watches prior to the Galaxy watch 4 run Tizen OS and do not support Wear OS.

Do I have to register to use the apps?

You will need to sign in with your Google account to monitor other signed in devices remotely. Subscriptions and licenses are managed by Google Play, so you will not be required to sign in to use offline features.

Are the apps free to use?

Basic features of the app are free to use without a subscription or license. You can purchase a subscription or license to unlock advanced monitoring capabilities and additional remote device monitoring quota. Revenue from the app makes it possible for us to continue development, maintain our cloud services and website, and offer timely and personalised […]

Does the app itself cause any drain on the battery?

Energy Monitor 4 is designed to use as little power as possible by only measuring your battery periodically throughout the day, rather than continuously. The more settings and alerts you enable, the more power the app will consume over time. The default settings are balanced to give you the most helpful alerts while having a […]

Which languages are supported?

The app is currently only translated to English. We are looking to get the app translated into popular languages in the near future. Please use the contact form below to send us any requests.

How secure is my location data?

We’ve taken a number of security precautions to ensure that the RAMS cloud is a safe place to keep your data. 🔗 Learn about our security practices
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