Archives of Engineering

The RAMS GPS Dashboard Series – Engineered for Accuracy, Efficiency, and Reliability

RAMS (Road, Air and Marine Speedometers) is our series of Mobile GPS Dashboard apps with unique sets of features suited specifically to different modes of transport. The apps of the series share a core Journey Recorder component designed for high accuracy, memory and power efficiency, fault tolerance, and the capability to record for any length […]

Wayfarer GPX Cloud Security – Keeping Your GPX Records Safe

Wayfarer GPX is a planning tool that lets you estimate travel time over any distance at any given speed. You can upload your GPX files via the library to synchronise them between multiple devices. Your data is protected by end-to-end encryption as described in this article.     1. App-level encryption When you first sign in […]

RAMS Cloud Security — Keeping Your Journey Records Safe

The third generation of the RAMS Dashboard Series lets you save your journey records to the cloud and synchronise data between multiple devices. We’ve carefully curated and implemented multiple layers of security to ensure that this data remains safe within the RAMS Cloud.  RAMS (Road Air Marine Speedometers) is a range of mobile and wearable GPS […]
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